We bring many moons of design experience and plantsmanship to the landscaped environment. We integrate water-wise and sustainable strategies into our designs like alternatives to lawn and organic options to chemical use. We believe climate change is quickly creating drought conditions in unexpected places and therefore Firescaping urban land is becoming part of the design conversation. We strive to be good listeners…whether you want a landscape influenced by Japanese design, contemporary elements, Rewilding (Naturalistic Landscapes) or the English cottage look…We bring your vision to the landscape with our expertise. We pride ourselves on choosing the right plant for the right spot… the first time. And, we are nice.
There are a few silver linings Covid left behind. One, has been the experience and practice of meeting virtually. When it is appropriate, Celilo is continuing to meet with clients using Zoom so we can discuss design ideas and share images and drawings back and forth, and be anywhere. Doing business digitally is has become a comfortable routine. We share digital files of information with clients before or after meetings so they can review what is discussed. And payment for services can be made electronically via PayPal and Venmo. The world has changed and some of those changes are for the better. |
A Word (or two) About Our Fees. We charge $200 for the first visit to your site to talk about your project. However if you accept our design proposal and the project goes forward, we credit you with $50 for the initial site visit. And because every project is unique to the site, size, complexity and the owners’ desires, our fees are customized for each project. We work primarily on a Fee Proposal basis for a complete landscape design or master plan. We also offer a quick Flat Fee Consultation (1½ hours of site time and travel time and 30-45 minutes of follow up for questions and/or research) for $375. Occasionally we work for an hourly rate if projects are not well defined or if additional services pop up. The current hourly rate is $145. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or need additional details.
We look forward to working with you.
** Celilo (sa-lie-lo) = “the echo of falling water”, in reference to waterfalls and cascades, native American in origin. |
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